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St. John's Fastpitch Constitution

St. John’s Fast Pitch Association



This league shall be know as the St. John’s Fast Pitch Association.


A) The Association is the governing body for its own men’s senior, intermediate, U21 and ladies fast pitch in St. John’s.

B) The league may affiliate with the appropriate Newfoundland & Labrador Provincial Sports Governing Body if it so chooses.


A) To foster and promote fast pitch Softball activities in the St. John’s area

B) To protect the mutual interest of its member teams and players.

C) To maintain a standard set of playing rules for all games.

D) To conduct championships and play-offs for the Association.

E) To enter teams in Provincial competitions if it is the wish of the Association.

F) To foster the elite development of umpires.

G) To avail of opportunities for participation/hosting National and International fast pitch events.


A) Membership in this Association by teams or players is purely voluntary, and application for acceptance of membership entails acceptance of the governing authorities of this Association. All membership must be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting each year and new applications accepted by majority vote of Executive and teams present who participated in the past year.

B) Any violation of the constitution, by-laws or regulations of this Association or decision of the Executive by any team or player of this Association, shall render such member liable to suspension until the next Annual or Special Meeting of the Association.

C) Purpose of Intermediate Division is to provide an opportunity for players to stay involved in the game and to provide a feeder program for the Senior Division.

D) Purpose of U21 Male Division is to provide an opportunity for players to stay involved in the game at the league level and also to provide a feeder program for the Intermediate Division.

E) Purpose of Ladies Division is to provide an opportunity for female players to stay involved in the game.


A) No player will be permitted to play in the St. John’s Fast Pitch Association until he has completed the appropriate registration form and it’s in the hands of the Secretary-Register


A) The St. John’s Fast Pitch Association annual dues are $2,800.00 per team for Senior and $2000.00 per team for Intermediate Divisions. At least 50 % of the dues shall be paid before team plays its first game of the season and the remaining balance paid before any team plays a game after July 15th.


A) The officers of this Association shall be a President, Senior Coordinator, Intermediate Coordinator, U21 Male Coordinator, Ladies Coordinator, Umpire Representative, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and one player representative per division. This twelve person board will be known as the Executive Committee. All officers shall be elected annually by ballot, to act for one year.

B) Nominations for the various officers of the Association shall be made from the floor.

C) The President, Senior Coordinator, Intermediate Coordinator, U21 Male Coordinator, Ladies Coordinator, Vice-President or Secretary Treasurer or any member of the Association duly appointed by the Executive shall represent the Association officially at any function or any body whose representation from the association is desired or requested.

D) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and at Executive meetings. He shall have a vote and also a casting vote in case of a tie.

E) The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, have all the powers, and perform all the duties of the President.

F) The Senior, Intermediate and U21 Male and Ladies Coordinators are primarily responsible for the administration and management of their division according to the constitution, by laws and regulations of the St. John’s Fast Pitch Association.

G) The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association.

H) The Umpires Representative shall be responsible for all matters in the administration and management of umpires.

I) The Secretary-Treasurer shall also keep accurate record of all monies received and disbursed by him and report annually to the Association, or at the request of the President, within one week.  

J) The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be the signing officers of the Association as it pertains to disbursements of the Association.

K) Should a vacancy occur in the office of the (Secretary-Treasurer) A (Secretary-Treasurer) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and will take over the accounts and records until the next Annual Meeting.

L) Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, Vice-President, or division coordinators said vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee.

M) The President or in his absence the designated representative shall have the power to suspend temporary any player in the league for ungentlemanly conduct on or off the playing surface, or for abusive language to any official, after a report has been submitted by anyone connected with the Association. Such suspension to be dealt with by the officers of the League within ten days. If not dealt with within ten days, the suspension is automatically cancelled, but an effort should be made to arrive at a decision before the team involved has to play its next game.

N) To enter into an agreement with any Umpire’s Association it sees fit.

O) The Player Representatives will be elected annually by ballot by the Division Players attending the Annual Meeting.


The Standing Committee shall be known as the Executive Committee.

1. Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association. The President shall be the Chairman of the Committee. The Executive Committee shall have power: 

A) To formulate, prescribe, alter and amend these By-Laws and Rules for the government of the Association consistent with the scope and provisions of the constitution.

B) To adjudicate all disputes between teams and players which may arise.

C) By a two-thirds vote to forth with remove from office any member of the Executive   Committee who by being remiss or neglectful of a duty or by conduct tending to impair his usefulness as a member of the Executive shall be deemed to have forfeited.

D) To appoint sub-committees from its membership or otherwise employ individuals for the handling of special or specified business.

E) To supervise the collection of the fees and funds of the Association and the expenditure of the monies.

F) To set the date and place for each annual and any necessary semi-annual meetings of the Association.



A) All meetings of this Association shall be called by the Secretary-Treasurer on orders of the President.

B) A meeting of the Association shall be held annually by April 15th at such place and time as may be designated by the Executive.

C) Special Meetings of the Association shall be held upon request in writing from three or more teams in good standing. The notice of such meetings shall contain the date and place of the  meeting and object thereof and shall give three days notice to all members.

D) At all Executive meetings of this Association a quorum shall consist of six or more members of the Executive Committee.

E) At the annual meetings of the Association the following shall be the order of the business: 

1. Roll call of members in good standing.

2. Reading of minutes.

3. Business arising out of minutes.

4. Secretary-Treasurer’s report.

5. Presidents report.

6. Coordinators report.

7. Report of Committees.

8. Resolutions, orders, general or new business.

9. Elections.

10. Adjournment.

F) At all meetings of the Association the following shall be the order of business: (Special)

1. Roll call of members in good standing.

2. Reading of minutes.

3. Business arising out of minutes.

4. Resolutions, orders, general or new business.

5. Adjournment.

G) At annual or special meetings each officer and team representative shall be entitled to one vote. The President shall be entitled to one vote and in the event of a tie shall cast the deciding vote.

H) At all meetings of this Association or of its committees, voting shall be a show of hands, unless the meeting decides upon a ballot.


A) Amendments or alterations can be made to the Constitution only at the Annual Meeting of this Association after specific notice in writing of thirty days to the Secretary and then only by a two-thirds majority of the members voting. The Secretary shall communicate such proposed amendments or alterations to each member fifteen days prior to the Annual Meeting

B) This Association at any annual, special, general or executive meeting may adopt, amend, revise or repeal Regulations for the governance of this Association, provided that thirty days notice in writing has previously been given to the Secretary of the Association and communicated by him to the members at least fifteen days prior to the holding of such meeting.

C) The giving of such notice may be waived and such matters otherwise requiring such notice considered and dealt with at any meeting by an affirmative vote of three-quarters of the members present and voting at such meeting.

D) The Executive Officers of the St. John’s Fast Pitch Association agree that in matters arising that are not covered by the St. John’s Fast Pitch Association Constitution that Softball Newfoundland and Labrador and or Softball Canada Constitutional rules will apply.

Approved: April 16, 2012